Monday, August 4, 2008

Acne pimples best prescriptino and home remedies for baby acne

Thirdly, stress and sleeplessness have also been considered culprits when it comes to acne but there also no medical truth to the myth. Doctors however advice people with acne to keep unhealthy eating, smoking and stress to a minimum level. These are considered acne aggravators and as such need to be controlled.
Dead skin and sebum block the pores of the skin, and then bacteria take the chance, occupy the skin and start their work. Too much exercise, hormonal problems can cause acne. Now, there are various kinds of remedy to prevent acne formation.
Most people with acne attempt to treat their irritated skin with external face washes, soaps, lotions and treatments. However, the best way to treat acne is by changing your diet and getting rid of acne-causing ingredients such as fried foods.
tags: silicic acid and acne, pharmacology how homeopathic acne pills work, home remedy for acne scarring

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