Saturday, September 27, 2008

Treatment of cystic acne bunker c.b dermatology

« ...There are so many theories for acne removal. There are contemporary and parallel theories also for acne removal. Mainly home remedies or herbal remedies are indicated as parallel methods of acne removal. Some mechanical acne removal processes also have come up following worldwide research for acne removal. Acne light therapy is a prominent method for acne removal. In the acne light therapy highly sensitive blue light is used for acne removal. In laser acne therapy for acne removal, highly sophisticated laser rays are used to kill the bacteria hidden under the surface of the skin. ...
...Most of these products contain vitamin E, grapeseed oil, calendula, aloe vera, witch hazel or essential oils. For example, tea tree oil applied to acne has been found to be effective for hundreds of years. An herbal blend that can help with acne consists of equal parts of the herbal extracts of sarsaparilla, yellow dock, burdock, and cleavers. Take half a teaspoon of this blend three times daily....»
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«...There are many other treatment options out there, much too many to list here. Face peeling masks, medication, special moisturizers, the list is endless. Finding a treatment method that suits you may be difficult, but the most important thing to remember is not to over treat yourself. Whatever treatment method you decide to use, make sure to use it in moderation, and clean your face regularly, but not excessively. Twice a day is normally enough....»
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tags: immediately stop acne, best way to clear up acne fast, how to get rid of acne scars fast

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